Divano Lounge
Divano Lounge

Frequently asked questions

What about payment?
Our payment service is connected with Stipe. Stripe is one of the biggest worldwide online payment systems and is safe and secure. They handle your payment and ensure that your payment is safe and secured.
How long does it take for my products to be made and delivered?
Production and delivery time varies depending on the item(s) ordered, your customisation options and your location. We always aim to deliver within 10 days from the date of your order.
How much is shipping?
Shipping prices inside Hong Kong are included in all Divano products. With exceptions for government restricted areas, DB and the outlying islands.
How can I track my order?
To track your order, you will receive an email with our delivery service tracking details of your order.
Does someone need to be home to accept delivery?
Yes. It is necessary for someone to be available to accept delivery as we use a secure courier who requires a signature as proof of receipt. Furthermore, our carriers provide a door-to-door service, which does not include carrying the items inside, carrying items up stairs, placement, or removal of packaging. If your order includes larger items or you are not comfortable carrying your items, we suggest having an additional person to assist with the placement of your items inside.
How do I change my shipping address after my order has been placed?
Simply email info@divanolounge.cn with the address change.
How long is the warranty on my product?
We give 5 years of warranty on all our Divano Lounge products.
How do I install my Divano Lounge outdoor furniture?
Usually, your furniture comes in one or two boxes depending on the products you bought. Most of the products are made with aluminium so light weighted and easy to install.
Does it fit my elevator?
We strongly advise you to make sure that you check the sizes of the product very carefully and see if the dimensions will fit your elevator or staircase. You can always send us an email for advice.
Where does my product get delivered?
We deliver the product till downstairs. You need to bring the product up yourself. Don't worry our products are made with aluminium frame and therefore very light and easy to handle.
How to maintain my Divano Lounge products?
Our products are made to withstanding the elements for many years. If your Divano Lounge gets dirty, don't worry and clean it with soap and warm water. If this does not work, you can always ad some bleach to your water!

Secure payments

We are using the Stripe payment method to make all personal information end-to-end encrypted.


Return items

We always put you as our very first priority. If you are not happy with your purchased item, you can return it within 10 days.

Return Items

Customer service

Please email to info@divanolounge.cn or contact us at +86 (0760) 85888279, if you have any inquiries.